I seem to be weighed down with worry lately.
I’m worried about my Mom and several other members of my extended fam. Worried about money.
Yesterday I had five singers for the choir. It was pretty scarey. They did a fine job, but I was scrambling to help it sound decent.
No time to finish this post….. more tomorrow no doubt.
Stanley Brothers – It Takes A Worried Man
Download Music Video Code at www.yallwire.com
At the Cancer Clinic by Ted Kooser
Darkness (excerpt) by Lord Byron
Couple of poems on Writer’s Almanac I like.
Twelve Lessons (Most of Which I Learned the Hard Way) for Evolutionary Psychologists
This article is a little technical but I still thought it worthwhile.
The Affirmative Action War Goes On – NYTimes.com
Michigan’s ban on affirmative action at U of M goes up for reconsideration by the Supreme court soon.
Showtime at the Apollo – NYTimes.com
I read Maureen Dowd who wrote this regularly, but rarely link her in because she’s more amusing than insightful. This time I thought she had some interesting things to say about the Obamas.
How Mrs. Grady Transformed Olly Neal – NYTimes.com
There are good teachers out there. This is the story of one.
American Voters – Still Up for Grabs – NYTimes.com
I quit reading Thomas Friedman years ago when he turned into a cheerleader for the war in Iraq. But I have been checking him more often in the last month or so. I liked this analysis and also his hope and ideas about a good presidential candidate.