All Comments

  • From Elizabeth on frantic living

    Whew! I love you. Sounds frantic. Maybe watch the caffeine intake too — I usually find my emotional state is closely tied to my physical state. Anyway, the franticness cannot be avoided completely. Things are crazy. I love you.

  • From Cheryl Cohen on who is jupiter jenkins?

    Hey, Steve, the comments thingie on your daily blogs isn’t working, but then, you probably already mentioned that somewhere. I just wanted to say I can’t imagine the time you must put into finding just the right photos and other illustrations for these marvelous recaps of your marvelous escapades. Love your show, Man!

  • From David j on who will help me learn the anthem?

    When I am faced with situations such as you, I often check myself by remembering “i could not expect others to think like me”. Sometime I remind my wife of this as well. Will talk soon.

  • From Elizabeth on mostly boring jupe junk post.... but ends with a joke

    To me, I can only hear your father telling this joke! Heh.

  • From Salient Features on mostly boring jupe junk post.... but ends with a joke

    First heard that joke in your Dad’s sermon lo these many years ago. I still drag it out anually, but was surprised to hear Anne use it Monday night.

  • From jupiterj on mostly boring jupe junk post.... but ends with a joke

    Hmmm. This seems to be lodged in several memories including my own in the same way. Heh.

  • From » Feb 13 Lemonjellos gig set list and Jenkins lyrics on Frickin Trains

    […] “One page essay: from Brahms to Satie” by Steve Jenkins (piano instrumental) 2. Frickin Trains by Steve Jenkins 3. I just want you to hurt like I do by Randy Newman 4.  Andropod by Jonathan […]

  • From Elizabeth on MARCH! 13 Lemonjellos gig set list and Jenkins lyrics

    Wait, that’s tonight. You mean March 13?

  • From » MARCH! 13 Lemonjellos gig set list and Jenkins lyrics on Deja Vu

    […] Jenkins 3. I just want you to hurt like I do by Randy Newman 4.  Andropod by Jonathan Fegel 5. Deja vu by Steve Jenkins 6. Chromazone by Mike Stern 7. Almost gone by Steve Jenkins 8. It’s money […]

  • From the daughter in england on my father's pale eyes

    hey i’m in your poem!


  • From jupiterj on MARCH! 13 Lemonjellos gig set list and Jenkins lyrics

    Ahem. Yes.

  • From Jonny on how did it go?

    I am not trained musician-trained musical ear-but I thought it was a good performance last night-I enjoyed myself to my surprise-I went to hear you to show my support-you have many talents-it is a gift to make music-do not be so hard on yourself-we are not perfect-I offered to buy a ticket but Mat said it was on the house-I wish I had a a lot of money-I could see John could use some money-I wish I could have given each of you a thousand dollars-thank you for all your hard work displayed last night-peace Jonny

  • From Progeny Number 2 on another personal update into the void

    Count me in. Yes, I read your blog because I’m interested. Even when you describe yourself as all dried up, you are curious, reflective, and (most awesomely) creative. I’m a biased source, but I like your blog a lot.

  • From jupiterj on another personal update into the void

    Thank you for your kind words, daughter.

  • From Cheryl Cohen on another personal update into the void

    Wow, the comments are going to work for me today! Get your name on the accounts – fast. You don’t have to take theirs off, just get yours on them. Believe me, it’ll save you tons of trouble.

    And, you’re not writing into the void. I’m here.

  • From jupiterj on another personal update into the void

    Cool. I’m glad. I don’t know why you were having glitches before but I’m glad you’re back safe and sound and sassy!

  • From Cindy Cosway on Babbling

    There is just so much, to be done, to review, to follow up on, to be supportive…. How absolutely fortunate your parents are to have the resources they have available to them. Having children nearby that are willing and able to devote the time and energy needed to be sure they are well. You get a “gold star” from me! Hugs and love.

  • From George on untitled

    Those bar-room singers cracked me up!

  • From the youngest daughter on full days

    Good luck with all that today, dad.

    And sorry to hear about grandpa’s ever changing condition.. I keep wondering if i should be planning a trip to see you guys instead of the other way around!


  • From Cheryl Cohen on full days

    Once you get your mom in place, you’re going to feel so much better. I think a neck brace is a great idea, or even a small pillow under your dad’s chin while you visit. I’m feeling for you, Steve. I know every bit of your angst, and so cook, cook, cook. It’s soothing and productive, and all that you have mentioned sounds like it tastes great.

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