Sarah is visiting and I almost missed a day of blogging. It’s great to have her around. We went grocery shopping. However, I am very tired from yesterday plus the grocery shopping, so this is it for today.
There’s No Such Thing as a Free Rolex – The New York Times
A constitutional right to buy and sell access! Oy!
The Stranger, Seattle’s Only Newspaper
This is access to Dan Savage’s sex column. He is great!
The Many Faces of Dennis Hastert – The New York Times
Frank Bruni talks intelligently about this stuff.
Nicholas Guyatt’s ‘Bind Us Apart’ – The New York Times
Interesting new book.
American Airlines apologises to musician for barring violin |
I could never get a straight answer from airlines about guitars, either. Musicians I knew told me to just take my instrument and they would accommodate. Apparently that doesn’t always work.
Voter identification laws by state – Ballotpedia
Limiting access to voting makes me crazy.
Jefferson changed ‘subjects’ to ‘citizens’ in Declaration of Independence
Pretty cool.