
My daughter, Elizabeth,and grand daughter, Alex, flew away yesterday. They took a plane. The above helicopter was in the play area at the airport. They arrived safely  in New York and were united with Jeremy. I admire this group for their resilience in travel. It was fun to have Elizabeth and Alex here. Sad to see them go. Glad to see them reunited with Dad.

Eileen is at an “Alto Breakfast.” I got up this morning and stripped the bed in the guest bedroom and started some of my own laundry. I was just stepping out of the shower when Eileen came downstairs. We went to the Farmers Market and bought some tomatoes for her to can later.

I did dishes and made coffee.  I’m blogging now after doing a little Greek.

Yesterday was my shrink appointment with Dr. Birky. Once again I could feel a mental relaxation after our conversation. We took Elizabeth and Alex over to see my Mom. Then back and grabbed something to eat. We took a back road over to US 131 to avoid construction which is periodically shutting down US 6. We were there with plenty of time and hung around with Elizabeth and Alex until they went through security.

I love having my adult children and their significant others around. I wish we lived closer but it’s not to be.

The Thursday visit with my niece, Emily, her husband Jeremy, my nephew, Ben, and his husband Tony, was a delight.



I do like these people quite a bit and enjoy being with them.


I like the abaove pic. I was experimenting with a timer on my phone cam. Despite how far away we are I think it looks like an old fashioned family pic.


I don’t think I was the only one to have a good time.


Alex Jenkins Daum continues to amaze me with her inquisitiveness, intelligence,  energy and imagination. I think she enjoyed the visit as well.


2 thoughts on “visits

  1. I love to see all of those amazing smiles. Smiles that reach the eyes are my absolute favorite type of smiles. I’m thrilled y’all had a nice visit with family & friends.

    1. I hadn’t thought about “smiles that reach the eyes” but you are absolutely right! I think they are my favorite kind as well!

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