You know you’re in trouble when the people at your Mom’s nursing home quickly agree that you need a day off (today) and your Mom’s tax lady asks you if you are alright.
Ay yi yi.
I put a lot on the schedule yesterday so that I could clear today of everything. So I planned to drop off my Mom’s taxes and get her back and forth to the pain doctor.
Then I went downstairs and discovered water all over the floor. The hot water heater had given up the ghost. So I added the plumber to the list.
The taxes of course required some more leg work so I ended up calling a bunch of people to get more information to file. Turns out one my Mom’s IRAs doesn’t routinely report interest for tax purposes unless you cash it out. Why is that, I wonder? Also, they don’t really have a web site and couldn’t give me the numbers over the phone. But they are mailing it. Good grief.
Finally met my Mom’s pain doctor. I stayed with her through most of the appointment (they took her to another room for the actual epidural). Lo and behold, it was the shortest appointment ever. I blocked out 2 hours thinking it might even go 3 as it has in the past. But this time we were in and out in close to an hour and a half. And the doctor lowered the drug (Gabapentin) that I suspect is significantly contributing to her weakness and confusion even more than his assistant did at the last appointment.
After getting Mom safely back to her room I had time to go to church and choose music for the weekend. Supper with Eileen at the library and home to treadmill. A full but productive day.
Today I plan to read, relax and practice. Thank you to Mark for being concerned that I take some time off. I’m trying, dude.
Damien Hirst and the great art market heist | Art and design | The Guardian
This isn’t just art that exists in the market, or is “about” the market. This is art that is the market – a series of gestures that are made wholly or primarily to capture and embody financial value, and only secondarily have any other function or virtue.
Jane Brody on Calories –
Some interesting ideas about calories and dieting.
Paul Taylor Dance Company at the Koch Theater –
This review caught my attention because the critic talks about the relationship of the music to the dance.
Ferns Have a Two-Pace Catapult System for Spores –
Who knew?
Zimbabwe Convicts 6 Who Viewed Revolt News –
Not exactly convicted for watching TV, but close.
Make the Punishment Fit the Cyber-Crime –
Observations about evolution of application of law. What begins by prosecuting, convicting and sentencing “violent racist thugs” ends up over punishing “stupid but nonviolent young people.”
Bookmarked to read:
Culturomics Looks at the Birth and Death of Words –
The Fable of the Dragon-Tyrant | Philosophy Now