Not too much to talk about today. I did make pesto and blueberry pie last night (I mean I made two dishes: one pesto with pasta and another a homemade blueberry pie using my frozen blueberry stash). Also invited Mom over to sit in my kitchen and have lunch with me since she didn’t feel well enough to go to a restaurant. Made her look at all 77 pics I took in California.
By the time I put the pie in the oven it was almost time for Eileen to get home and my feet were hurting too much to treadmill, so I skipped it.
I was gratified to read recently that Dylan Thomas admired Bela Bartok’s music. One of my favorite poets and one of my favorite composers, although both lists are very long.
Cooked to Beethoven piano sonatas yesterday. Getting pretty familiar with these. Good stuff.
Today I have another busy day. Meet with the boss, then piano trio rehearsal, then I drive out to my student’s lavish home and give him a piano lesson. Somewhere in there I need to choose an easy postlude for Sunday.

Tomorrow I have my first dance class. I hope the teacher likes me okay. My self confidence is a bit shaky these days. But like any old guy, I can put on a pretty good front.