Eileen and I watched “Panic in year zero” last night. Whewie. This is truly one of those movies bad enough to laugh at.
Church was weird as usual yesterday. The children “flowered” the cross during the offertory. The priest was out of town. The high point for me was when I asked the flute and violin player to play a short ostinato canon of the first four measures of Eugene W. Hancock’s tune for “We walk by faith” (He didn’t give a tune name. Clever.) I improvised over them and we stopped on a lovely little dissonance. Cool.
I thought of this during the hymn before the gospel. So during the gospel reading I explained it to my flexible flute and violin players. And then we did it as “traveling music” for the return of the gospel procession.
Simple fun stuff.
Rob Hodson brought me his new book to buy. “Interaction, Improvisation, and Interplay in Jazz.”
I thought I had it reserved on Amazon.com. But he had a party last week to celebrate it’s availability and invited me. (I didn’t go) which made me check to see why my copy hadn’t come. No record that I could find on Amazon. Screw it. He offerred to bring me a copy Sunday. I had him sign it for me. I think the topic looks interesting.
After church, Eileen and I drove up to Whitehall for the postponed annual Hatch (her fam) Easter Egg Hunt. We listened to This American Life and On the Media on the way up and back. I had pulled down their latest shows for my MP3 player in the morning.
Today I have to grade concert reports and do a Final Exam review sheet for tomorrow. So it goes.