Eileen DID get up earlier this morning. Consequently, we went grocery shopping, came home and put away stuff, back in the car for a trek checking out local shops where we might buy an area rug for the living room. Three stores later, nothing but an exhausted jupe. At least now, Eileen knows she can’t buy what she wants locally.
This is today’s blog. I only have energy left to practice and visit Mom.
The Party Crashers – The New Yorker
I like this article. The author is on the ground in the recent New Hampshire primaries.
Taliban Used Child Soldiers in Kunduz Battle, Rights Group Says – The New York Times
I have been following the child soldier story since before the internet. It makes me ill.
Should Obama Pick Nominee? Your Answer May Depend on How Much History You Know – The New York Times
Although this is one of the statistical takes, it makes sense that the better you understand the history and the facts, the more likely you are to think that the President has the obligation to nominate and the Congress the obligation to advise and consent.
Resetting the Post-Scalia Supreme Court – The New York Times
I am a fan of Linda Greenhouse, the author of this excellent article.
America’s Stacked Deck – The New York Times
After a characteristically brilliant speech by Adlai Stevenson, the Democratic nominee for president in 1952 and 1956, a supporter is said to have , “Every thinking American will vote for you!” Legend has it that Stevenson shouted back: “That’s not enough. I need a majority!
This quote says it all.