Wow. Google Analytics shows I had over 70 hits a couple days ago. I didn’t dig any deeper into it to find out stuff like where people are located who are visiting nor how long they lingered, but it was definitely a change in traffic.
I only had the church stuff yesterday which was very nice. By the time choir rehearsal rolled around I was more rested and had more energy than usual. This means I didn’t have to fake it as much.
We are learning some pretty cool music. I notice that I have inadvertently scheduled a lot of pieces in Latin: Ubi Caritas by Duruflé and Crucifixus from Bach’s B Minor Mass. I worked these two pretty hard last night, mostly teaching notes. I went a few minutes late something I rarely do. In those few minutes we ran the entire Crucifixus.
As an undergrad, I was sort of a teaching assistant to the choral conductor when we learned and performed the B Minor Mass. It was a great experience for me.
Even now, understanding myself as not a typical believer, I find this work very moving and spiritual. This morning as I was cleaning the kitchen and making coffee I played a few movements from it on Spotify.
I’m glad that Spotify continues to carry recordings of historical music as well as popular music. There must have been a dozen recordings of the B Minor Mass available on it. I availed myself of these when the second movement arrived (Christe Eleison) because I am so picky about the sound of women soloists. I prefer a clear sound with only a touch of vibrato.
Of course I love Billie Holiday’s sound. Not sure how that fits into my predilections for “natural” voices singing Bach solos.
I googled and found one fix for my Windows 8 yesterday. My cursor has been freezing up more and more frequently. The suggestion to turn off some sleep settings in devices seems to have worked for now.
Eileen replaced the fan in the other laptop, but it’s still overheating. There is another part coming. She is hoping that installing it will fix things, but we’ll see.
As you can probably tell, I’m a bit tired this morning and basically rambling.

I successfully installed the church software we use, RightStuff, on this computer yesterday. I am hopeful that it will enable me to just cut and past pointed psalms, instead of making them from scratch with my music notation software. Boy would that save some wear and tear on the old guy.
Well, if you have read this far, I thank you and will try to have a more interesting blog tomorrow.
over and out.
As Republicans Concede, F.C.C. Is Expected to Enforce Net Neutrality – NYT
This is hopeful.
The net neutrality movement pitted new media against old and may well have revolutionized notions of corporate social responsibility and activism. Topdown decisions by executives investing in or divesting themselves of resources, paying lobbyists and buying advertisements were upended by the mobilization of Internet customers and users.
Prince: Convert HTML to PDF with CSS
Had to install this PDF reader in order for RiteStuff 2.0 (the church’s software) to function. I have never heard of it, but am hoping it will help to use the recommended software.
I am increasingly unimpressed with Radio and TV news. Vice News seems to be quietly breaking new ground in how news is covered. They seem to have people on the ground filming magnificent shots of breaking events. Voice over is so much more pleasant than watching a rich news anchor. The immediacy of the video (plus its pertinence) is so much better than NPR.
Recently a reasonably well educated seventy something man told me he doesn’t read the New York Times. I can’t help but wonder where people are getting their information. I use a number of sources, including now Reddit.