quick Wednesday post


I do have readers who use this blog as a painless way to keep track of me, so since I haven’t written here in a few days I thought I would do a short update.

I have been working on my composition like crazy. I am deep at work on the Trio movement and am getting closer (but no cigar yet). I have an almost complete idea of how one movement will go. I called it Dance 1, but I also had an idea for a 5/4 waltz which I had not started. As Dance 1 continued to evolve I realized that IT was in 5/4. This realization pretty much completes the idea of this movement. I haven’t finished it off but it now goes under the category of busy work.

At my friend Rhonda Edgington’s suggestion I emailed Robin Dinda directly about missing pages in his publication. Within 24 hours he emailed me a PDF of the piece I’m interested in. What a guy!

The choir sounded splendid Sunday. I was glad there was at least one of the choir directors present who attend our church. I thought we sounded great. And I nailed the organ music. Good Sunday.

Tomorrow I plan to skip composing and then return to it on Friday.

Eileen has been a busy little bee. She cleaned the basement and hired some people to come and take away all the crap (like the disassembled shower stall). It is a vast improvement. And then yesterday she had a new contractor come to the house. We still have things that need to be done to our house like insulation and sealing off the windows in the basement. The guy representing this company turned out to be a self described “eco-nerd.” I think he and Eileen hit it off. Anyway, she is very happy and is planning to get these people to do lots of stuff like fix the insulation in the entire house and other grown up stuff.  She is also talking once again to the city of Holland about the discounts and rebates they provide for updating your home in terms of eco-friendly stuff.

Then this morning while I was at work, Eileen walked to a travel agent and booked us for our annual California trip.

Then she came to church in the afternoon and did some filing and handing out of choral stuff for this evening’s rehearsal.

We are doing great, eh?

Christian Smith – Atheist Overreach [Review] | The Englewood Review of Books

This is another book review my brother Mark has had publisehd online. It is satisfying to see him do stuff like this. I haven’t read the whole thing but still recommend it (of course).

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