I had a very pleasant day yesterday. I had nice chats with my niece Emily and her fiancée Jeremy Bastien.

Emily is multi-talented woman whose many interests and skills include a passion for all things equestrian (she is a teacher and owns several horses), weaving, animals, growing things and music.

Jeremy is a highly-skilled artist who is pursuing a career in comix and is the author of a series of excellent books called Cursed Pirate Girl.

Then in the evening, Eileen and I had another pub supper outside with a friend, Roger Jerry. Roger is someone I met at church and share interests with. He is soon to move away and I thought I would like at least one relaxed conversation with him before he left. It was delightful and fascinating.
Wow. All of this contradicts my self-image as introverted non-social geeky musician internet guy.
In between I managed to check on Mom, do some practicing and a wee bit of composing. Plus a lovely rehearsal with my piano trio.
As I said, a relaxing day.
I am beginning to think about my annual coffee house gig. Shared a bit with the trio yesterday and they seem very amused and interested. I would like to involve several musicians. I have my eye on a gambit of people.
Also I plan to order the jack kit for my harpsichord today. I would dearly like to refurbish my jacks and use the harpsichord at my coffee house gig as well.
It would be fun to do an evening of all kinds of music that I love and make. So besides Mendelssohn and maybe a Loiellet trio sonata movement, I would like to some of my old and recent compositions. A lot depends upon who I can convince to play and how much rehearsal I can get from them.
On top of all this good stuff in my life, my blood pressure seems to have dropped in the last couple of readings. Naive to think that my new drug is already working with three doses, but still encouraging when I think I have had two martinis and two beers during this period.