Three hour rehearsal of Oklahoma last night. I was too exhausted to practice organ during the day. Instead I tried to save my energy for the evening rehearsal. By the time it was over I was suffering from neck tension. Bah. Tension is the enemy of music.
To distract myself I re-read a hundred pages into “The Long Day Wanes” by Anthony Burgess. This is his anti-colonial trilogy about Malayasia. Burgess’s contribution seems rarer and rare. He is highly educated yet pugnacious and aggressive about words and ideas.
His stories and writing have quick insight into the hypocrisy and humor of the human condition.
I also couldn’t resist playing through Scarlatti sonatas and Schuman and Mendelssohn piano pieces. I should have desisted and kept my energy for the evening. My fatigue made me light headed. This is not good. Getting old.
Today unfortunately I have to do silly church stuff. Bulletin article. Review hymn selections for the next few weeks. Prepare this evening’s instrumental rehearsal. It’s all busy buy diazepam 20 mg work, but has the distasteful aspect of churchiness. In this capitalistic society I have to take my dollars where I can get them: church, amateur pit orchestras and high school coaching. I am working harder it seems, but the money is going out faster than it’s coming in. Not an uncommon thing, I’m sure.
I must must must get some time on the organ today.
In the meantime there were some excellent articles in the New York Times today:
John Burns is a reporter I try to follow.
He has had years of experience on the ground in the wars of our times.
His lengthy answer on his online Q & A column about military contractors reveals a clear mind and more processing of information than you can find in most “journalism” these days. Link
David Brooks has an interesting take on character and psychology in his column today. Link
And I broke down and began reading journalist David Brohde’s five part series on his abduction by the Taliban. Link