happy st. cecilia's day and mom birthday

Today is St. Cecilia’s Day.

Yesterday was the historical date of Henry Purcell’s death. The juxtaposition of these two dates was pointed out in the novel I am reading called English Music by Peter Ackroyd.

Today is also the date that JFK was shot and is my mother’s 84th birthday.

Mary J, 2nd from left

Last night in the middle of the night  my netbook failed.  Couldn’t get it to manually restart. This morning I got up and removed the battery and then replaced it and it came back. This is not a good a sign.

I don’t keep much on it that I will need when I have to replace it.  There are a few passwords in my Chrome installation that I might miss. Usually a password can be restored. It will be a pain in the butt to start over with a different laptop because I will have to install the software I need and the security stuff. Also this netbook is set up to automatically log on a number of wireless access points that have rather elaborate sign ins. That will be a pain.

I am considering purchasing a larger laptop.

Mostly because I think I can probably get one used a bit cheaper than a new netbook.  This netbook was my first laptop and I do adore having the portability. The size is not that significant to me. Weight would be a factor. Ease of access to wireless would presumably be a working feature of any laptop I could purchase.

Well I survived the marathon of the last two weeks. Today all I have is an 8:30 ballet class and then later in the day to take food to my lovely wife. I have invited my Mom to do this with me since today is her birthday and this is the only way the three of us can have dinner together.

I did church and rehearsals and a funeral in a bit of a daze yesterday. Everything came off fine. It was helpful that I had scheduled a lovely little Telemann violin sonata as prelude and postlude.

After the funeral, I asked Eileen to take me to the pub where I proceeded to have three martinis.

Today I want to plan Turkey day meal and probably go grocery shopping. I’m hoping life will settle down a bit now that the musical is over.

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