Yesterday I was in a daze for most of the day. Spent quite a bit of time with Scarlatti keyboard Essercizi (sonatas). Some time back I purchased the complete eleven volume edition of these pieces from my my former teacher, Craig Cramer. His handwritten notes are all over each piece. So that’s fun. And these pieces have long been favorites of mine. They are charming and unique and I love to play through them.

After a performance such as last Thursday night, it feels like all of my nerves are on the outside of my body. I basically want to crawl in a hole somewhere. I think this is the introvert in me to whom I have done violence with my public performance. At any rate it wasn’t just emotional, I was exhausted and sore.
But I’m feeling much better today.
It looks like there might be recordings from this gig. My friend Ray Hinkle was trying to cover the bases on making a record of our rehearsal and performance. His hands were tied by my poor equipment and the amateur mix of the sound people at Lemonjellos. Nevertheless I have trepidation about as well as interest in these recordings.
My fears come from their accurate reflection of my own poor performance. I shudder to think about many moments of my playing and especially singing Thursday night. This is still the hangover of the experience. But of course I am egotistically intrigued as well. And I would love to have something to share with people who weren’t present for these events.
Watch this space for further developments as Ray and I examine the recordings and make them available.
I managed to pick hymns for two Sundays yesterday in my post gig haze. Also dragged myself to the church, unloaded some borrowed stands and rehearsed Sunday’s prelude and postlude.
Daughter Elizabeth called last night to touch base. It’s always great to hear her voice and reports about how life is going for her.
Today we’re off to the annual Hatch family reunion. Life goes on.
Here’s a few links:
My quasi-son-in-law Jeremy (Elizabeth’s partner) shared the link to a viral video of a concerned brother of an attempted rape victim who expresses himself in such pure musical hip-hop language that subsequent mixes are a gas.
Link to hilarious mash-up/mix.
Must read link: Hiroshima and the Outrage by Kenzaburo Oe Oped NYT

online streams of BBC Proms (an annual music festival in the UK) recordings (All highly recommended)… to just one of them with Mozart piano concerto, Ligetti and Ravel