little monday afternoon post


This is unusual. It’s Monday afternoon and I have my exercising and practicing for the day done. Rhonda met me at church and listened to the two pieces I am planning to play at the Wednesday recital. She was very helpful. After she left I incorporate most her idea  into my playing. I am lucky to have someone like her around to help me.

Yesterday left me reeling. My throat hurt all day. The introvert in me has trouble with social events such as last night’s dinner with Martin Pasi, Rev Jen, and parishioners. This morning I got up and my throat had stopped hurting but I am still suffering from cold symptoms like cough and chest congestion.

But I felt even better today after exercising and practicing. Cool. Maybe I will be able to enlarge my “energy pie” with better choices.

Ron Chernow on ‘Grant’ – The New York Times Book Review Podcast

I listened to this last night. Interlibrary loaned a couple books mentioned on it.

Education in the Age of Outrage – The New York Times

I think this author has her head on straight.

conditions for critical teaching and learning are undermined when feelings are equated with reasons in call-out culture.

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