(xpost from jupiterjenkins.com)

I’m ready. I have been up for hours preparing lectures and homework for today. I actually am incorporating some of my musings about David Byrne’s blog from yesterday.

He classifies music reproduction in terms of the amount of information: LP most, CD less, MP3 least.

I added Live music to this list as an example of the most information. Mentioned that LPs are analogue and the rest digital. Kind of fun stuff.

Most kids I dare say listen to MP3s. I can predict that the jump from MP3s to live experience will be a significant one for many students.

Ran our new dishwasher this morning. Eileen received her new porcelain crock (kitchen compost canister)for kitchen refuse in the mail yesterday. She told me I could put the whole coffee filter with grounds in it.

Life is good.

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