Wednesday afternoon


Usually on Wednesday afternoons I try to lay down for an hour or so gathering energy for the evening rehearsal. I thought I would do a post during this time today. I don’t have much to report. I met with Rev Jen. That’s always a morale booster. My morale seems to need boosting. I think it’s a culmination of months of hives, ebbing energy, and the news.

I purchased a new Rokku from Amazon. It came in the  mail late last night. I don’t have the wherewithal to install it today though I am expecting it to be straightforward.

The topical steroid is definitely having an effect. Plus the compression socks are helping keep the swelling down. I have a three hour allergist appointment tomorrow. That sounds exhausting. My organ student wants a lesson after that. I told her we could pencil it in and I would see how much energy I have left after the allergist. I should be fine.

I played through the Fantasia by Byrd that I am going to use Sunday on the Pasi. it sounds fantastic to my ears! I have a jones for Byrd and his ilk lately. I have been listening to The Queen’s Six and playing in my Fitzwilliam Virginal Book.

NYTimes: ‘Use That Word!’: Trump Embraces the ‘Nationalist’ Label

Do you think Trump has any idea of what the word means? I don’t.

Students learn more effectively from print textbooks than screens, study says – Business Insider

Interesting. Some of the subjects did better on digital reading, but proved to be reading much slower from the screen.



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