So this is working out pretty well. I’m getting in lots of rest and relaxation staying at the Hatch family cabin in Grayling with extended fam. We have been seeing deer galore starting from the first evening. We now have eight people and three dogs at the gathering. There is a second building with extra sleeping we call the “bunkhouse.” The last to arrive ended up sleeping there and it seems to be as comfortable as the beds in the main cabin.
Eileen and I have been walking together everyday. I am counting this as my vacation treadmill time. I have been getting up and reading every morning. Continuing to read the books on Hymnody and history of Christianity.
Yesterday I was pretty silly. My nephew Ben and his partner Tony finally arrived. The rest of the crew was waiting for them so they could go to Traverse City. Eileen and I had opted out of this visit thinking we could hang behind and continue to relax. After Ben and Tony got there everyone immediately began gabbing and then all at once the Traverse City party had to go.
So they all jumped in their cars. Eileen, I and the dogs watched. The dogs were unhappy they were being left behind. I suddenly felt left behind as well.
Eileen told me I should just go. She definitely didn’t want to. So I did.
Goofy me.
I did get some conversation with fam, connect with the internet and have a nice meal at my niece’s favorite restaurant, The Happy Pumpkin.
Unfortunately my brother had a phone call from his secretary. She couldn’t do the work he left her in time. So we got up this morning and drove in to Grayling so he could remotely access his computers at church and do some work. Some vacation. I went for as much moral support as I can provide.
It’s raining in Grayling.
*************************************************************************************** Obama vs Romney Paper Dolls, 2012 Political Circus
In my email box this morning.
Obama an Avid Reader, and Critic, of News Coverage –
I’m always interested in how Presidents get the news and what they think of the reporting.
Pacifists Who Broke Into Nuclear Complex Due in Court –
Black Hats for Brooklyn, Made to Precise Order in Spain –
African Art Is Under Threat in Djenne-Djenno –
Music at the Olympics – Susan Tomes: Pianist & writer
I’m really disinterested in this year’s Olympics for some reason. Tomes has some interesting observations on the pervasiveness and use of music in the coverage.
Incentive to Slow Climate Change Drives Output of Harmful Gases –
Perfect example of unintended consequences.
I think that restaurant might be called the jolly pumpkin…
And yes, I’ve been seeing/hearing lots more about the olympics this year, but then, it’s so close and Great Britain is so proud of everything… everybody’s really excited about them over here. I keep reminding them that America is top of the leaderboard 😉
I heard a report on BBC Radio 4 the other morning about the music – I hadn’t noticed it on the tv coverage, but I think there is a lot of punctuation with music – they were saying they kept using songs like ‘under pressure’ chumbawumba’s ‘i get knocked down’ at appropriate moments – like playing and ‘sit down next to me’ when someone was sent to sit on the sidelines in football or something. The interviewed some audience members – most thought it was entertaining, and helped with the atmosphere, but some did complain that it wasn’t about entertainment and it cheapened the sports. Nearly over now, anyway – keep checking to see if they’re releasing more tix for the closing ceremony – apparently this is the ceremony where all the bands (including Queen and George Michael) will be playing – but ah well, have plans for a pub lunch on sunday anyway. And gliding on Monday – wooo! will put pictures on facebook. Anyway, now I’m just ranting. Hope you enjoy the rest of your holiday.
Mom and Dad had a cottage at Higgins Lake for about 25 years or so. I just sold it recently. Grayling was were they went to shop. Lots of memories of the area. The family has taken canoe trips down the Au Sable River from Grayling. Typical Michigan memories…