Eileen and I watched part of Orson Welles’s The Trial recently. We were very tired and didn’t make it all the way through. But I was impressed with this adaptation of Kafka. Welles starts out with one of Kafka’s parables about the man waiting for admittance through the door of the law. Very cool. Welles’s camera angles are very effective. Of course he gives himself a role as The Advocate. Tony Perkins as Joseph K. gives off vibes of Norman Bates which I liked very much. The only thing that struck me was the changing or interpretation of K’s relationship to the women in the story. Even buy valium next day delivery Welles doesn’t resist making them defined dumb flirtation Hollywood things. I don’t remember that in the book at all. Of course movie people change things. But since Welles really did a remarkable job with a lot of this, that stuck out to me.
He shoots it outdoors somewhere in Europe and the landscape is perfect. The office scene is reminiscent of Gillam’s Brazil and the move of Orwell’s 1984.
If we ever finish the DVD, I’ll recommend this one.