Spent most of yesterday doing arrangements for violin, viola, cello, guitar/recorder, and bass. I pulled an arrangement of “O Come, O Come, Immanuel” out of the drawer and adapted it.
This is the third incarnation of this little piece. Then I did a kind of goofy arrangement of “Soon and Very Soon.”
My young violinist was a no-show. Fortunately I had prepared arrangements that could work with or without her.
The group seemed pretty enthusiastic about these and readily stayed a few minutes after the scheduled hour to polish them a bit.
They should work well for Sunday’s Eucharist/Lessons and Carols.
Today I have some Santa stuff to do, pick up some things, prepare some stuff for mailing.
Besides that sort of thing the day is free. And once again I’m pretty tired.
My friend from college, Marianne Lipson, offered some free music to people she knows on Facebook. I think she was mostly thinking local but when I asked her if she would mail some stuff to me she said yes.
They arrived yesterday.
Very cool.
Some Rorem:
Some Mendelssohn songs:
Scriabin (my student, Rudy, plays a bunch of these).
And a Dover edition of Mozart violin sonatas.
I’m very glad to get all of this. Offered to send a list of organ music that Marianne might be interested in owning that I would send her, but she declined. She said preferred for me to be forever in her debt. Funny lady.
Well that’s all for today.
I imagine you are starting to look a little like Santa with the greeting beard these days huh? Just kidding. What’s with the last picture on your blog…. The woman with chains? Frankly I’m not sure how to take that….
Damn spell correct I meant “graying” beard! That thing drives me bananas sometimes.
Are the chains the burden of obligation? Surely not.
Heh. I just like that picture of the woman in chains. I relate to her attitude. But don’t feel chained or anything.
You relate to her attitude? What is her attitude and how do you know?
David, rhetorical question? If not, I hazard that I see this woman as defiant in a good a way. Despite her chains (because of them?) she persists in looking goofy (glasses) and undeterred (body language). Subjective, but nonetheless sort of what I was thinking….