same old


Yesterday I went over to Western Theological Center and listened to Rhonda play some Bach she will performing soon. She really is a fine player and it’s flattering to be asked to do this by her. Came home and grabbed some lunch then Eileen and I drove to Grand Rapids for an appointment I had with my eye doctor.

This turned out weird. First, we are temporarily without health insurance since Eileen is officially retired and we are waiting for our new insurance to kick in. This is a matter of a week I think. So when they asked me for my insurance card I had to say (sounding like a con man) I’m temporarily between insurance companies.

Then when I was ushered into the examining room, the nurse asked me why I was there. She pointed out that it was way too early for a 12 month exam. I said that I was pretty sure I hadn’t initiated the appointment.

After some back and forth, it turned out that I wasn’t really supposed to be there. Someone had probably misread the doctor’s handwriting (when going over a chart?) and scheduled the appointment. I did have an August appointment on my calendar as did the office.

They wanted to go through the exam anyway but I demurred. Next time I go, I will  at least be insured. Not sure how much our new insurance will cover for this kind of visit, but at least it would apply to our new (large) deductible.

By the time we were safely back in Holland, I was pretty tired. I tried to muster my meager aged resources and managed to drag myself over to church to practice. Sunday’s prelude is a clever little piece by Gerhard Krapf on the opening hymntune, The Ashgrove.

I admire Krapf’s work. He tends to write in a severe dissonant style.

I remember discussing him with a music store owner once.

The store owner said he thought Krapf might be “getting better” by which I took it to mean less dissonant. I thought that was odd at the time (still do) but didn’t contradict him.

Anyway, this little trio is clever and I find it a bit tricky. He uses an invertible canon both of the hymn melody and his little ritornello ideas. I do think its cool.

My postlude is based on the closing hymn, “We Are Marching.” The tune, Siyahamba, is one my congregation seems to enjoying singing. I’m thinking of doing this at an upcoming local AGO members recital.

This video seems to be the same arrangement in the Episcopal resources.

1. What Machines Can’t Do –

David Brooks points out some of the attributes of people who are curious and use the internet well.

2. Where N.S.A. Kept Watch in Cold War, Artists Now Find Refuge –

Print journalism on the web seems to feel like it needs a lot of videos. I know that’s how a lot of people seem to be processing information these days, but I still usually find print exposition easier to apprehend. This article is an exception. I found the accompanying video very helpful in getting a sense of the place and the art.





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