I can see that keeping up with the blog is going to be challenging in the face of my new schedule. I have to leave the house in 30 minutes to make my Monday dance class.
Yesterday went well but I am pretty tired this morning. I was very happy with the way I performed the Shostakovich on piano. Practicing does help immensely. I also think that the organ arrangement of a Shostakovich piano prelude I did as the postlude is a worthy transcription. If it weren’t for stupid copyrights I would put it in a finale file and put it on on my web site for others to use.
I was disappointed that after I sent a parish wide letter and made an announcement I had not one new choir person at rehearsal after church. I spent Saturday carefully devising a list of choral anthems which help someone new to choirs ease in to choral singing.
This is pretty typical of my work at Grace. I keep devising strategies, following through on them only to watch the community pretty much ignore them. I am grateful that I have a small loyal group of singers who did come. These people seem patient if not amused with my attempts to improve the situation.
Made pesto in the afternoon with lovely wife’s assistance. Then helped her clear area (move air conditioner) to bring the outside plants in. Then had a little gin and read the paper. Fell asleep in front of the TV. Hmmmm.
I did fuss about with twitter a bit yesterday adding more “liberals.” I noticed that in my attempt to understand people and positions I don’t agree with I had loaded up my list with reactionaries only.
After class today I have to buckle down and work on musical arrangements for tomorrow night. I am hoping I can come up with some flexible parts of a wide range of musical abilities. This will be challenging. But I do enjoy that sort of thing.