Friday afternoon and I’m feeling slightly guilty for not making myself go treadmill.
I had my bi-weekly meeting with Curtis Birky my therapist.
Even though his job is to listen to me, I still felt like a bit of a blabbermouth today.
But hey, according to him, that’s what he’s there for, a listener that I don’t have to connect with in a reciprocal way in the conversation.
Before leaving to see Birky this morning I made a half recipe of the Citrus Salad with Peanuts and Avocados recently featured in the NYT. I had some for breakfast and again for lunch after I got back. It’s not really an Eileen dish since it has cilantro in it. Also, she tends to like her citrus fruits when they are at their best. She is like that with a lot of fruits and vegetables. I tend to be less picky.
The blend of fresh mint, fresh cilantro, and fish sauce works.
Mary Gordon – On Thomas Merton [Feature Review] | The Englewood Review of Books
This is a book review by my brother. I enjoyed reading it. I’m glad to see him getting published.
It’s time — high time — to take Fox News’s destructive role in America seriously
Robert Crumb: ‘I am no longer a slave to a raging libido
R. Crumb has been a constant presence in my life for years. Interesting to see what he says now.
NYTimes: The Top 25 Songs That Matter Right Now
I have yet to wade through much of this article. I have mixed feelings about their attempt to make it work as some sort of online interactive experience. I find people who design this stuff are designing it for people much differently oriented than this old codger. But I am interested in new music, that’s for sure.
A couple more recipes I have earmarked to try
Roman Egg Drop Soup Recipe – NYT Cooking