no time to blog


I got up a bit later this morning. But the real reason I don’t have much time to blog is that I need to use this time to finish “arranging” an anthem I want to have ready for tonight’s rehearsal.



Alec Rowley lived from 1892 to 1958. He preceded the modern sensibility towards sexism in language. His anthem, “When the Whole Heart of Man,” is a nice example of what I think of as “hoary”  old English anthems. My church owns it. It was published in 1923 and is most certainly out of copyright.

I want use it but change the language. The more I looked at the language and the more I thought about the fact that my choir attendance is extremely spotty this fall, the more I thought I could save some time by just re-doing the score with the word changes I want.

So that’s what I have to do this morning.

I also pointed some of the Instructions from the the Anglican Chant Psalter and thought it might be fun to sing that tonight as well.


Here’s a pdf of the whole thing if you’re interested.

Eileen came home pretty down last night from work. It looks like she will not make it to retirement at this gig. I try to encourage her to do what she has to do to take care of herself.

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