mostly links

Believe it or not, I woke up today with little to blog about. I ascribe some of this to a cold that has my head blocked up. Read my usual morning poetry (Wendell Berry & William Carlos Williams and prose (The Uses of the Past by Muller). Then sipped coffee and poked around online.


War by remote control – Counting the Cost – Al Jazeera English

Short piece on Drone industry.


Vaclav Havel, Dissident Playwright Who Led Czechoslovakia, Dead at 75 –


A Message Of Solidarity From Archbishop Desmond Tutu |


Reflections on Iraq as U.S. Troops Leave –

Letters to the editor.


When Japanese-Americans Were Interned in Camps –

More letters to the editor. This time correcting the idea that somehow the imprisoned Japanese-Americans in WWII in California deserved it. Good grief, I hadn’t heard that one. Must have missed the original piece.


Robert Scheer: There Goes the Republic – Robert Scheer’s Columns – Truthdig

The new Defense Authorization Law is another amazing step into the void for America.

National Defense Authorization Act sent to W.H. – Charles Hoskinson –


Last Post in Iraq: this is the death knell of the American empire | George Galloway | Comment is free | The Guardian

Always interesting to see how we look from across the pond.


Christopher Hitchens death: In Memoriam, my courageous sibling, by Peter Hitchens | Mail Online

Moving tribute from his brother from whom he was estranged until recently.

Here’s some articles I bookmarked to read about him.

News Desk: Hitch : The New Yorker

Christopher Hitchens: ‘the consummate writer, the brilliant friend’ | Books | The Guardian

The one above is by Ian McEwan.

Paul Brandeis Raushenbush: When an Atheist Dies: Religious Reflections on Christopher Hitchens’ Death

Christopher Hitchens Has Died, Doug Wilson Reflects | Christianity Today | A Magazine of Evangelical Conviction

Having read many essays by him and his autobiography, I think he was brilliant. I think he was wrong about Iraq, but right about a lot of other stuff including Jerry Falwell.


Our leadership is dire, but we mustn’t despise government | Jeffrey Sachs | Comment is free | The Guardian

Interesting overview of the failure of leadership in the west.


The Beck of Revelation by Mark Lilla | The New York Review of Books

Glen Beck, that is.


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