I’m sitting in Panera having breakfast with Eileen. My oh my, life is good.

I just checked online to see if I was correct that when leaves turn colors what is actually happening is the green of the chlorophyll ebbs revealing the colors that have been masked by its presence. [link]
Apparently this is correct. I like to think that the beauty of fall is waiting throughout the entire growing season.
I just put our dishes away. I had to wait as an elderly gentleman was attempting to do the same thing and yelled into his cell phone. Earlier an elderly lady stood in front of the all of the coffee waiting for the microwave to finish heating something for her. I had to say, “excuse me,” before she noticed I was there. The elderly seem to be getting the tech but are no more self aware than anyone else.
Another gentleman is sitting in a corner watching. He seems more aware than many here.
Monday used to be a day I could relax and take at least one day entirely off for the week. Hopeless College is on break so no dance class today and tomorrow. However I have a two hour rehearsal this evening in Grand Haven. But I’m up for it.
Yesterday after church I took the choir through their first reading of the lovely anthem “Blessed are the Dead” by Hugo Distler.
I do admire this composer. I think it will be a haunting contribution to our All Saints celebration this year.
Church went well. I had fun leading the GELO musicians. I have discovered that I take great satisfaction in coming up with arrangements for them that are not boring.
Here are few links:
I read this article yesterday while treadmilling: “The Education of a President” by Peter Baker. I bookmarked it because it makes some predictions about how President Obama will strategize in the second half of his term.
The fractal guy died:
I liked this article on how Europeans lost their adult lactose intolerance:
(oops…. posted the wrong link yesterday. Thanks Sarah for noticing.)
(hi dad!)
I just thought I’d point out that second link at the bottom of your post is incorrect – it takes you to the fractal guy too.