I didn’t blog yesterday. I got up and worked on my Bach cantata arrangement. Eileen was sleeping in. I began moving stuff around in the kitchen to prepare for thoroughly cleaning the floor. Boy did it need it. It took me two hours. Of course I’m not that efficient.
Recent online readings include “Strained by Katrina, a Hospital Faced Deadly Choices” by Sheri Fink (link). This lengthy story is meticulously fleshed out by Fink who is a doctor and journalist. Quite a read.
Also listened to Elliot Carter’s Oboe Concerto (videos: Part I, Part II, Part III). I continue to enjoy his music although I’ve never studied it.
Tried not to think about church and choir stuff. Sunday went pretty well. I didn’t murder the Mendelssohn too badly. Had some interesting conversations with people about music at the coffee hour.
Yesterday, I made a peach pie and a peach pie filling in the afternoon. The second was for freezing. Took up food for Eileen and also brought along my own weird food so we could sup together.

Last night, I queued up some beautiful slow Mozart music including “Et Incarnatus Est” from the Great C Minor Mass. It seemed to fit my mood. I ended up playing through some Mozart on the piano and then turning to Gertrude Stein’s Making of Americans for some comfort reading.