The Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation will be having heardings on Tuesday 6/12/07 and Thursday 6/14/07.
They are debating a bill that will tier the internet and sell the new 700 mghz pipe to the highest bidder.
Good-bye to Internet freedom and accesibility.
“Last year, more than 1.5 million Americans contacted Congress and stopped phone and cable company efforts to kill Net Neutrality. Now industry lobbyists are pressuring the Federal Communications Commission to abandon this fundamental Internet freedom.
It’s time the FCC heard from you. The agency has launched a public inquiry into whether it should protect Net Neutrality or let companies like AT&T, Verizon and Comcast dictate which Web sites you can use. Take action now and help stop the big phone and cable companies again.
In your own words, tell the FCC why you need a free and open Internet. Your story will be sent to the FCC in Washington.”
You can participate in this hearing by “Telling your story”
more from S.O.S. — Save Our Spectrum
“Congress and the Federal Communications Commission face a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to bring universal, affordable Internet connections to all Americans.
The issue before them is who should control access to the radio spectrum. As part of the digital television (DTV) transition, a prized portion of the public airwaves is being returned to the government. Implementing the right policies could mean more competition, faster service and lower price for consumers.
The FCC is about to auction the exclusive “license” to this spectrum, called the 700 MHz band, to the highest bidder among the big telecommunications companies. But a coalition of public interest groups has filed comments urging the FCC to use this auction to create a much-needed “third pipe” competitor to broadband services offered by phone and cable companies.
At the same time, Congress is considering what to do with “white spaces” — the unused parts of the public airwaves between TV channels that could expand broadband service to underserved areas. Bills pending in the House and Senate would set aside this spectrum for “unlicensed” wireless Internet.”