feeling odd and some books I’m reading


I had a very odd day yesterday. The entire day I seem to be disconnected in a quiet way from everything. I didn’t feel excited about anything, no motivation. Fortunately, I continue to function with or without conscious motivation, so that’s was fine.

I noticed it most when I worked on choosing new anthems for the choir for Advent and Christmas. I had difficulty finding works that I found interesting and rewarding and that I would guess would also be so for my choir. I did find some, but usually this process resembles composing, improvising, or writing.

By that I mean,  I inevitably find myself in a bit of a “zone” or a low state of exhilaration. But not yesterday.

The evening rehearsal went fine. As I say, I still functioned.

Today I’m more myself.

Image result for brainstorm siegel

I interlibrary-loaned several books by Daniel Siegel. Having finished his rather dense book, Mind: A Journey to the Heart of Being Human and watching  numerous presentations he has done on YouTube, I decided to read Brainstorm, his book on and for adolescents. It’s also directed at adults who either live with them or want to understand more about themselves.

I have three adolescents on my radar at this point in my life: my California grandchildren. I’m considering sending a copy of this book to my grandson, Nicholas, asking him to read it (if he has time, he’s attend college and working a part time job). Then, if he thinks its worthwhile to pass it on to his sisters.

Image result for who put this song on morgan parker

I”m also reading Morgan Parker’s YA novel, Who Put This Song On? Parker is a poet and this is her first work of fiction. It’s the story of a 17 year old who is the only African American in her Christian high school. She is in therapy and also likes music a great deal. Her tastes seem to tend to emo and Indy groups with a dash of hip-hop.

I was attracted to the fact that it’s a book about someone who likes music. As I hoped, she mentions many songs and groups. I’m making a list.

Image result for fleishman is in trouble by taffy brodesser-akner

I say Taffy Grodesser-Akner on a Politics and Prose Bookstore YouTube video. She is a hot shot magazine writer who has profiled many people.Counter-intuitively (since she’s obviously involved in the world of celebrity) I found her charming and interesting. She is interviewed by her friend, Jake Tapper on the linked video. This is her first novel. I’m about a hundred pages in and so far it’s fun and well written.

‘Completely untrue and illogical’ – News

This is a Holland Sentinel article about some local conservative candidates running in the next local election who seem to be anti-gay. I just put it up on Facebook. As I say there, it’s better written than I remember articles in the Holland Sentinel being.

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