bookstore trip yesterday… today back to Holland


We head back to Holland today. Eileen wants to get Savannah to the beach and also connect with more of the family on the Hatch side.

Image result for dreyer's english

Mark recommended Benjamin Dreyer’s Dreyer’s English. I have read a bit in it and think it’s pretty cool. I will have to get my hands on a copy before too long. My list of possible books to read keeps getting longer.

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We went into town last night. We visited Serendipity Books which is owned by a woman who is also in Mark’s writing group. It’s a nice little store and I bought the following books.

Image result for pale fire vintage international by nabokov

Image result for christopher  marlowe complete plays and poems pendry

Image result for blindspot kamensky

I also bought a couple of Yale Shakespeare books. Not these two but of course they look them.

Image result for yale shakespeare books

The funny thing is that I found a note in my own handwriting in one of them to the effect that I needed to remember it was Mark’s copy. He apparently gave some of his extra books to the bookstore. I bought it.




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