Eileen video-taped me playing some piano pieces yesterday after I got back from a morning of accompanying ballet class for Cecchetti. These people are always so last minute with me. I expected a phone message on Sunday night to tell me where and when I was to play on Monday. Instead were two confused panicked messages asking me to call. Sheesh.
I did manage to find out where and when to be and was there. I do need the money and I don’t really mind the work. I was surprised that several of the young (7th graders?) dancers complimented me on my piano playing. I don’t seem to impress people quite as much as I used to judging by how often people comment to me. I think this might be as much about the way people are these days as the fact that I’m sort of an old fart looking guy.
While I was visiting in California I played around with music and two of my grandkids. Nicholas is studying piano. I showed him the concept of major and minor chords. Then I played several Bach pieces for him, both to expose him to Bach and to show him how texture works in music.
I think the C major 2 part invention is a quintessential example of two part texture. I was exposed to the inventions by my cousin, Jerry, when I was 12 or 13. He played a recording of them for me while I was visiting in W. Virginia. I can still remember his enthusiasm and my amazement at the music.
I showed my grand-daughter, Savannah, the “harp song” while visiting. This is an easy playful way to show kids arpeggios. We played around a little bit with chopsticks so I thought I would record that as well.
My 3 year old grand-daughter, Catherine, ran away when I invited her to do music with me. I explained to Savannah that with kids that small you can play a game of “high and low.” Ask them to stand up when you play a high note and then sit down with a low one.
I also showed Nicholas the Bach F major invention.
and the Eb major 3 part sinfonia
Our Broken Escalator – NYTimes.com
As Derek Bok, the former Harvard president, once observed, “If you think education is expensive, try ignorance.”
Ethnic Music Tests Limits in China – NYTimes.com
Many interesting musicians mentioned in this article. Would love to hear them. Some googling is in order, no doubt.
Books and Other Fetish Objects – NYTimes.com
There is a funny pun in this article that I wonder how many people noticed:
“…[H]istorians know the feeling well [of handling a book in person] — the exhilaration that comes from handling the venerable original. It’s a contact high.”
“Contact high” also means getting a buzz while in a room full of pot smokers without actually smoking yourself. The Bill Clinton high, if you will.
Prison Hunger Strikes – Barbarous Confinement – NYTimes.com
This is a heart breaking injustice of man to man.
Letting Bankers Walk – NYTimes.com
Good questions about how the rich and powerful get off easy.