This came in the snail mail yesterday.
I am beginning to get rested from the past few weeks marathon.
Yesterday I spent a good deal of time transcribing and re-arranging an anthem I am planning for Oct 17th. The original anthem, “Lord, Speak to Me,” by Richard Shephard was for SATB Choir, Organ, Brass Quintet, Children’s Choir and optional handbells. I changed the Brass quintet into a small instrumental ensemble. Hopefully it will be violin, oboe and cello. The players in my trio have consented to play the violin and the cello part. I have yet to ask an oboe player. There are two at my parish and one of them is likely to say yes. If not, I will attempt to find a decent player of another instrument. We have many good players in the parish so chances are I can find a sax or something.
Besides adapting the Brass parts, I transcribed the rest of the parts. I even went so far as to try to replicate the original layout of the anthem for ease of use by myself and the conductor. I have asked the Children’s Choir Director to conduct it. I will play organ.
The church’s thermostat or something has been broken for several days causing the temperature to hover around 80 degrees. This has made rehearsing organ very uncomfortable.
Yesterday I skipped it altogether. I worry about the toll the temperature is taking on the pipe organ and the piano. At the very least it will throw the tuning of the piano off. Of course I am planning an anthem this week using the piano.
Cool beans! I just checked and Hope College actually deposited my check for my ballet dance class work.
This kicks up my income a bit. Also conveniently it is credited at the same time as my check from the church which alternates weekly with Eileen’s check from the library. This makes our weekly income more equitable and therefore easier to work with.
Of course the dance class work varies. I am paid by the hour.
So far the schedule is dependent upon the needs of the teacher. For example next Thursday my beginning ballet class teacher is having conferences with individual students during class time. No pianist needed. The following week is fall break. No pianist needed.
But I am happy to have this little gig. Besides a little extra money, it provides me access with Hope college perks like on campus wifi access, a free library card (I have been paying for this for years), and discounts on concerts and other things. What the heck.
I heard a report on NPR this morning about a couple who had intentionally scaled back their income and life style to 50K. Even though it became apparent they were probably brain dead Christians and were acting out of religious motives, they still had admirable goals of spending more time with the family and getting out of the rat race of constantly trying to make more money.
I share this couple’s satisfaction with life. Money is definitely not a problem for Eileen and I. I am hoping extra helps me pay down debt.
Tomorrow I have my first day off in a few weeks. I am looking forward to it. My life is good.