So I am standing in line, my netbook and shoes are in the gray tray to go through the security assembly line thing and my cell phone goes off. It’s my Mom’s lawyer. He says he has some new information from social secuirty. I ask if he could call me back in ten minutes because he has caught me at the airport in security. I did phone him on Monday tell him I was leaving the country on Wednesday. Anyway he said he would. But instead in ten minutes his secretary calls me and tells me he has forgotten his cell phone, left the office and could I please call him in the morning. I point out that I am leaving the country as I had previously let them know on Monday. Of course the secretary had no idea what was going on. I gave her my brother’s phone number in Garden City.
I only bring this up because it was a bit like being followed by the stress of my life right to the airport. Fun stuff.
Later Eileen and I are placidly sitting and who walks by but my organ teacher from my grad school, Craig Cramer.
He’s on his way to Frankfurt for concerts and an organ tour. He hugs us and sits down for a very pleasant chat. Go figure.
So anyway, we are in Great Missendin, UK and I seemed to have missed Wednesday night.
Hmmm. Got on the plane 9 PM Newark time arrived in the UK 9AM local time. I did sleep some on the plane. Eileen is exhausted but I think she managed to get some sleep as well. We lucked out and got upgraded to some pretty nice steats so I think that made the 7 hour flight a bit more pleasant. On the British Air interactive entertainment computer thingo I listened to the BBC live recording of Vaughan Williams 8th symphony one and a half times. Just enough to make me realize I am in the mood for V. Williams right now. Makes sense being in Merry Old UK and all. I managed to get some sleep as well.
After having made sure my netbook would have lots of power I barely turned it on during the flight. Instead I got engrossed in Somerset Maughan’s The Razor’s Edge.