It’s 9 AM and I have my lecture for today pretty much prepared.

I am frustrated because I am having to fight the emotional hangover from last night at church. The service went splendidly. I got lost once in playing and conducting the Brahms motet but recovered quickly. We performed a movement from my old cantata “ash Wed.” I’ve never done this piece in liturgy before and I found it satisfying.

The Hindemith postlude went surprisingly well. (It’s not all that easy). And we did a spanish type Taize piece with guitars, conga and flute…. I thought it was cool.

Before the service a couple of choir members were very angry with me. One of them left during the service.

This stuff drives me a little nuts. I hope it’s not inappropriate to at least mention it here. I woke up at 5 AM this morning and lay in bed and couldn’t get my mind off these people’s anger. I think this is “old guy” stuff. Ever since my forties I have found it more difficult to shift gears emotionally. It seems that all I can do is wait it out. Good grief.

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