tired old jupe


I cut back my organ rehearsal a bit this week. The week prior to performing the St. Anne fugue, I was rehearsing more than two hours a day on it. This week, I have been practicing not only the upcoming organ music, but also working on other pieces.

I am trying to pace myself energy wise. Yesterday didn’t work out so good for some reason. Part of it was some negotiations with people around the funeral scheduled for this Monday. Our procedure at church is that the family talks to Rev Jen and then she and I work out the details. But I don’t usually have direct contact with the family.

Saturday morning there was an email in my inbox from a family member. I immediately emailed Jen and asked her if I should pursue the request in the email.

She didn’t reply right away. I tried to then set it aside. But in retrospect I think this negotiation which continued by email for much of the day hung over me.  It’s still unresolved exactly what I am expected to do Monday, but I do feel more prepared having found and downloaded an easy of version Howard Goodall’s Psalm 23, the Theme for the Vicar of Dibley (the music in question).

it’s very easy.

Last night I dreamed about Christmas eve. In the dream, I was exhausted. You know. Like real life these days. I also couldn’t find a dress shirt for services then I realized I was wearing it.


Yesterday I moved the piano away from the front of the choir area. Today’s anthem is one I am conducting from the organ console. When I do this, the choir has to stand further back. This means their sound is muffled by the acoustical bubble behind a huge stone arch.

I’m also not terribly prepared for today. I know the music okay, but not forwards and backwards the way I have been trying to prepare.

I tell myself I’m going for pacing myself. It will probably go fine.

The time change seems to be working in my favor this morning. I feel more rested than yesterday.

The Pitiful Whimper of 2014 – NYTimes.com

It’s hard not to be cynical about Tuesday’s election. What a fucking mess.

Recipe: Pan-Fried Noodles With Some Spice – NYTimes.com

Since returning from China I have been making fried noodles with chili sauce and whatever else is at hand. Yum.

Health Dept. Worker Suspended. One Complaint: He Talked Like a Robot. – NYT

I found this story very amusing.

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