still not blogging regularly


Traffic on this site is predictably plummeting. When I first started posting in the late 90s, I promised myself I would do so daily. Until recently this has been the case. However, I am finding myself more interested in my own reading, thinking, and practicing than writing stuff here.

I feel connected to my “tribe” (fam and friends). Previously I was trying to start conversations online about stuff that interested me. Boy, was I naive! Then with my two daughters, and their significant others living abroad and my son and his family in California, it seemed like a good way for them to check in on me without having to deal with me.

Eileen is still suffering from pain. This is definitely no fun for her.

Off to read.

China Just Outlawed Clickbait and Sensationalist Headlines 

Another article from March 4th that mentions my son in law.

Detroit Archives: On Hello

Great Essay! Thanks to brother Mark for recommending it to me.

Led Zeppelin did not steal Stairway To Heaven riff, appeals court rules

I just listened to the song in question and I agree with this ruling.


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